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Frequently Asked Questions

I’m going to pretend that people have asked me these questions. then I’ll pretend to answer them.


  1. Hey, who runs this thing?
  2. I’m not a member of the Virtual Asylum or the ATSB, but I’d like myA-Ieam stories archived here. What do I do? 
  3. I’ve got my own archive of A-Team stories. Is there some way I can get those stories into your searchable database? 
  4. There doesn’t seem to be much consistency between a story’s release on the mailing lists and it’s appearance on this archive. what’s up with that? 
  5. What are the requirements for having a story archived here? 

Hey, who runs this thing?

The current chief archivist is the very talented Sherry. She can be reached at [email protected]. pax, who generally lurks silently in the wings and is totally clueless but likes to fix technical issues with the site and archive the occasional story can be reached at [email protected].

I’m not a member of the virtual asylum or the a-team story board, but I’d like my A-Team stories archived here. what do I do?

Easy. email your story to the chief archivist ([email protected]). Sherry and pax can accept text, html, Word, and Word Perfect files. include the following things:

  • please make sure your paragraphs are easy to distinguish. either use tabs or a blank line between paragraphs. This makes my life so much easier when it comes to archiving the story.
  • The name you want listed with the story. pen names are acceptable – even encouraged since no changes to the archived story will take place after they have been online for more than 2 weeks.
  • your email address IF you want your email address available on the story via comment cards. Email addresses will no longer included in the text of the story as email addresses come and go.
  • a brief summary of the story
  • a rating, based upon the ratings guidelines on this site
  • warnings, if applicable. if you’ve had to rate your story R or NC-17, you best include a warning and explain why. Readers DON’T like unpleasant surprises.
  • “The End” or “To Be Continued.” Inquiring minds want to know.

I’ve got my own archive of a-team stories. Is there some way i can get those stories into your searchable database?

Email the info to Sherry. follow the mystical format I disclosed in the previous answer, plus the url for the beginning of each story.

There doesn’t seem to be much consistency between a story’s release on the mailing lists and its appearance on this archive. What’s up with that?

Consistency isn’t a human trait. if it’s been a month since you’ve posted a story to the VA or sent a story to me directly for inclusion on the archives and your story is still not online, please email me at [email protected] and provide a gentle nudge. I’ll need the story title, the author name, and whether it was posted to the VA, the ATSB, Sherry, or me.

What are the requirements for having a story archived here?

All stories must involve the A-Team, either from the original tv series or the movie (please specify if you’re referring to the movie.) Crossovers are welcome, but please do not involve real people, even if they are part of a reality tv show or a musical group.